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31 de agosto de 2012

ICT glosary

glosario para ICT

Clase 31-08

niveles de integracion de TICs


Principios de la Reforma:


Nodo es la pagina web mostrada y en Enlace es donde nos lleva.
Un Enlace nos lleva hacia un Nodo

11 de mayo de 2012

4 de abril de 2012

Respuestas a actividad 04-marzo-2012 Segunda Parte

--La pagina explica la formacion del sitio web la cual funciona hace un año y gestiona informaciones y comentarios sobre el uso de las TICs en el aula y en la educacion en general. Los usuarios pueden enterarse y compartir sobre nuevos softwares que se pueden utilizar en provecho de el aprendizaje de los estudiantes. El sitio no solo esta dirigido a profesor, sino que tambien a docentes de todo ambito que ejercen dentro del mundo de la enseñanza-aprendizaje. El sitio socio-tecnologia educativa contiene importantes dialogos entre profesionales de la educacion en donde se debate si el uso de las tecnologias es el correcto para el aprendizaje de los estudiantes. Cada uno defiende su posicion y resulta interesante para el lector el conocer todas las perspectivas del uso de las tecnologias en la educacion.

-- La pagina describe los usos innovadores del programa "Improving my English" de la profesora Ines Hortal quien diseño este programa para aumentar la participacion y el interes de los estudiantes en el aprendizaje del idioma. Para ello, desarrollo un software en base al uso de una pizarra interactiva y que contiene variadas actividades didacticas con el uso del ingles. Reconocer verbos, adjetivos y sustantivos, es parte de las funciones del programa que reproduce todo en la pantalla/pizarra con dinamicas entretenidas para que los estudiantes aprendan de una manera innovadora y didactica. La profesora Hortal indica que  “Todos (estudiantes) llegaban antes a la sala y después no se querían ir. Había mucha participación y preocupación por hacer bien sus actividades y el trabajo en la pizarra digital era lo que mas motivaba” cosa que seguramente cada profesor desearia.

3 de abril de 2012

Respuestas a actividad 04-marzo-2012 Primera Parte

--La pagina describe los detalles de la primera reaalizacion de la prueba SIMCE en TICs para estudiantes de segundo medio en el año 2011 (noviembre). Esta describe los aspectos a ser considerados dentro de la prueba. Su objetivo principal es medir el manejo de las nuevas tecnologias por los estudiantes de una edad aproximada de entre 15 y 16 años ademas de medir como influyen estos medios en el rendimiento de los estudiantes. Entre los contenidos a ser evaluados estan el uso de procesadores de textos (word office y word pad), hoja de calculo (excel), navegador de web y correo electronico entre otros. La forma de evaluar - descrito por la pagina- es por medio de un software que lsimula los contenidos antes mencionados y los evalua segun su uso durante la prueba. Esta prueba es de vital trascendencia debido a que permite conocer cuanto saben los estudiantes de la "era tecnologica" sobre los usos de esta.

--La pagina describe el programa "Laboratorio Movil Computacional (LMC). El principal objetivo del programa gubernamental es "mejorar la calidad de la educación aprovechando el mundo de oportunidades asociadas a las tecnologías digitales" y propone aumentar la capacidad de articulos tecnologicos dentro de las escuelas o centros educativos ademas de guiarla hacia un uso netamente pedagogico y comuntario, asi como tambien, gestionar los recursos para la correcta ejecucion del programa. Por otro lado, el programa busca la incorporacion de las tecnologias en las metodologias pedagogicas de enseñanza para que los estudiantes puedan adaptarse mas rapido a los cambios en la sociedad y asi dar un uso guiado a los avances tecnologicos que estamos viviendo en la actualidad. El programa se enfoca en apoyar el buen uso de las TICs en la educacion y la incorporacion de estas a los cambios sociales-culturales.

--La pagina es una herramienta virtual que ayuda a docentes y profesionales de la educacion a compartir experiencias, foros, tecnicas pedagogicas y metodos para hacer mas grande el valor de la vocacion elegida. Para ello, muestra a profesores destacados en la innovacion de la enseñanza y comparten sus metodos para que sean experimentados en otros establecimientos, y asi, obtener, idealmente, buenos resultados con diferentes tipos de alumnos, ademas, la pagina se transforma en una "red social" (como su nombre lo indica) para compartir softwares de ayuda al docente en la facilitacion de la enseñanza-aprendizaje en donde el profesor deja de ser el centro de una charla y deja a los alumnos crear a su antojo un mundo tecnologico de aprendizaje y retroalimentacion.

--La pagina es una sub-division de la pagina anterior en donde un profesor comparte en esta red social, un software para evitar el famoso "COPY/PASTE" en trabajo escolares de investigacion. Es recurrente (explica el profesor que compartio la informacion) que los estudiantes dejen las bibliotecas y los libros para buscar la informacion en internet debido a su comodidad, y por lo mismo, es facil caer en el abuso de este y hacerse vicioso del "copy/paste" para todo tipo de tareas. Los alumnos reiteradamente copian y pegan la informacion sin realizar cambios en el archivo original y ,lo que es peor, sin leer la valiosa informacion que esta contiene. "Decode" es un programa que identifica los plagios hechos, en este caso, por los estudiantes en sus trabajos de investigacion y es una gran herramienta para los docentes.

28 de marzo de 2012

answers to activity march, 28th

1.- They come from around the world through cable or satelital conection which reaches to our computers like little packets of codes which are translated by our computers into images and words.

2.-We need a connection from our home or business to the rest of the world through phone or cable lines and even satelites.

3.- The web browser translates these codes into words and images and so on.

4.-Millions around the world.

5.-Uses shortcuts or links.

Romina Romero
Camilo Salazar.

23 de marzo de 2012

3.- ¿cuando nacieron las redes sociales?

la primera red social en nacer fue sixdegrees en el año 1997 la cual permitió agrupar contactos directos, mandar mensajes y crear un perfil único en la web.

Sin embargo las redes sociales más masivas a nivel mundial fueron creadas tiempo después. Fotolog nació el año 2002 para hacer posible el intercambio de fotografias; en los años siguientes (2003-2004) nacen flicker, myspace y facebook las cuales agrupan gran cantidad de usuarios alrededor del mundo, esto podría ser indicado como el inicio de la "época dorada" de las redes sociales en el mundo.

27 de septiembre de 2011

Last Monday

Well, I haven't written anything because the school was on holidays but now I came back, it wasn't as traumatic as I thought. Everything was as before; students were the same and Miss Leyla as well. The class was as boring as the others and the rhythm was slow and going lower; although, Miss Leyla started teaching what I like more in grammar... PASSIVE VOICE. Students will be better helped by me because I know a lot of it, at least a little bit more than students of 2nd grade. On first grade they are still learning the "Indirect Questions"  but now in past simple and I'm asked a lot about its structure; I try to do my best and I'll improve as much as I can to help them AMAP (As Much As Posible).

13 de septiembre de 2011

Not Bad

It was a normal day. The difference was on my participation during the develop of the class. In every class was the assistant of the teacher but only answering questions, doubts and of course, the everyday job of an English teacher... TRANSLATING UNKNOWN WORDS. It was a very busy day, I had to move around many times without having time to get sit for a while. I could fell comfortable because students from any grade are getting used to ask me anything and they can relay on me whether it is a matter of translation or an explanation of the instructions they couldn't understand, of course I don't give the translation immediately, actually I try them to have an idea of the instruction having care they are able to infer the idea of what they have to do or the word they need. Well, I feel happy because they begun trusting on my capacity of explaining anything they need; my final propose  is them to rely on my capacity of hearing they needs and I could be able to understand their family and social situation to have a diagnosis of why it is to difficult to pay attention in class. I think it's a long road to run but no impossible to get.
Respecting to the realization of the class; it was as normal, Miss Leyla just gives an brief explanation of the contents and then a quite long group of exercises to do, there is where I enter to help not to complicate Miss Leyla. That's all.

9 de septiembre de 2011

say NO to bullying or it will happen

That was a really quite rather good day

As usual, I got on time (today earlier and relaxed than before) but I noticed that Mr Castro wasn't there so I decided to take the group alone to see what may happen. The guys conformed as expected and the Students Congress ran normally, my opinion was heard and they attended everything I suggested for future activities. There wasn't any sort of disruption, or unless one which could bother me, and they could get a correct organisation. Today I felt as a teacher in front of them and they treated me as their teacher. that was rather comfortable.

8 de septiembre de 2011

That's a rather good song.

Last Monday - 1st A _ 2nd A _ 1st D

Actually, it wasn't a day for learning some. Miss Leyla just gave an activity for each class about "GOSSIPING  YOUR CLASSMATES" where students had to apply past continuous and past simple in 2 sentences per classmates, I mean around 80 sentences per each single students, of course they didn't give on time and it will be checked next class, it was for every single grade. Meanwhile I walked around helping students with the translation and word order and sentence structure, but nothing else, and Miss Leyla just checked some copybooks' last homework  to put a mark on her notes. It is becoming an actual problem because I don't really see any advance on the students and the classes are just about doing workshops and long activities where teacher gets absent from "teaching".

Last Friday- Students Congress 3rd B

Well, I think that a reason not to write on this blog is that I haven't had any interesting thing to say...
My last Friday practical class was just doing nothing because since I got school, and teacher and I arrived the classroom nothing happened, I mean, teacher was talking to some students a bit of personal things (of both, teacher an students) an the rest talking to their groups without making the respectively STUDENTS CONGRESS until they said to teacher for let them going out early due to a ride to "Fantasilandia" they won this morning. nothing happened and I got bored during the whole class.

29 de agosto de 2011


Although I got up quite late, running through the streets of Lampa, I could arrive 2 exactly minutes before time... that's good. I was rather sleepy today but I didn't feel it till the miss started her class with a guide and she spent most of the class, not to say the whole class, doing it. so I didn't have many things to score on my notebook and my "field notes" are not so much.
The same was replied on the third class due to it is the same grade (1st of high school), at the second class, it was a little bit more interesting because I had more moving going around the classroom in order to help student with the translation of a tutorial of the "perfect machine" they are imaging and describing bla bla bla bla, so I had to go around the room answering question of simple words as the word "enchufar" in spanish and even the article "EL" which was unknown for some of them. The problem was that I was absolutely tired and I didn't want more war, I felt like going to sleep home but my day was just starting.

26 de agosto de 2011

What a DISSASTER.- 3rd B Humanists

It was a complicated day today.

Teacher got late and I had to control a group that not only watches me as one of them because of my age, but also because they have never seen me before, so they didn't actually know what I was doing there nor who I was and what's more... they didn't know the authority I have on the group, the same that Mr Carlos Castro had already given me when I was in my last practical or when I was his student long time ago. But that's OK, I mean, they are just knowing me and I haven't assimilated myself the actual fact that I am a TEACHER or a future one.
Finally the Course Congress was a mess and I could just control them for some seconds and then... all again. argues, bad faces and my useless tries to keep the order. I think next time it will be better because everytime I went, I will have the perseption of going to keep them quiet, or the best option to follow, keep them entertained and interested on their business and not on their conflicts keeping everytime the respect.
I'll be on charge on having everything in orden.

23 de agosto de 2011

My first day

Woooooooooow, today was my first and I felt quite comfortable in most of the groups just for one reason...

...The school was well known by me, the teachers are already known since I was a teenager and the students have had practical classes with me, unless 2 to 3 of those I have now.

I just got to the class earlier as usual to say hello to "my kids" of 1st grade on high school, and they reacted as old friends of mine.

Mrs Leyla wasn't as healthly and full of life as other times, she could be a little bit sick.

people of 2nd year wasn't as friendly as 1st grade but I didn't feel strange or a foreing person of the group, besides some people came close to me for asking some doubts about the activities to be done on class.

the activity was about creating a machine and describing functions and instructions of use.
as it was in pairs everyone joined without problem excepting one who seemed to have problems of disrupting and society partnership, the fact is that no other classmate wanted to make the job with him so I felt sad and offered my self to help him and he worked well, it feels quite comfortable when a student learns from your teaching way.

On the last class we had a test and I got bored an I just waited the time to go